Monday, July 23, 2007

Just Can't Handle All the Fun that Can Be Had in the Windy City

There are few things more fun in life than having friends come to town for a visit. Side-splitting laughter, fine food, the excuse to do new, wild things in the city, and the chance to pull away from work and deeply connect with another gal. It is something to be cherished. In Chicago, like in many cities, there are so many people yet a seeming increase in isolation. So, the opportunity for laughter bumped right next to deep conversation - the kind that has one crying in no time - is a rarity worth savoring.

Cheers to the friends who have come to Chicago for a visit this summer and have me one "happy camper!"

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Girls, (you know who you are)
I was thinking about you last night and all the good times we spent together on good, slippery roads, singing this song at the top of our lungs, and waiting for the day we would be kissed. A lot has happened since those days (like getting that first kiss...or heck, getting married!) but some things never change - I will always travel slippery roads with you again. Love, Me.

Kiss me out of the bearded barley, Nightly, beside the green, green grass, swing, swing, swing the spinning step. You wear those shoes and I will wear that dress...We'll take the trail marked on your father's map.

Friday, July 13, 2007

So Many Things!!!!

As I am sure you other bloggers have experienced, when you stepped away from postings for any length of time, returning becomes harder and harder, and the number of possible topics to write on just increases to overwhelming volumes. This is exactly what has happened with me in the 9 days I've been away from my blog. I'm bucking this massive obligation or expectation that I put on myself to say something profound or funny or informative upon my return. So, instead, a recap of the number of items I could talk about in greater detail, but am deciding to cut short.

* Peter and J are my new favorite band, ever since I heard them play on NPR on Wednesday morning. They are coming to the Elbo Room this Saturday night. Guess who will be there?...Correct. You. You will be there.

* One of the special perks of being in ministry work is that when the youth are given a Bible lesson whether it's by a fellow staff member or guest speaker, I too get the pleasure of hearing free, spontaneous teaching on God's word. None of this send in your $5 for a CD of the sermon bit. I get preached to almost daily and yet, I'm surprised by it and inspired by it so often.

* I love basketball. Watching basketball. Yes, and I'd forgotten how large this love of mine is until last night when I watched Dave coach our Sunshine Warriors team. They kicked butt by the way, and by the time the second quarter came around, they were playing a tighter and tighter game. Here's a snapshot. No offense to any mother out there, but I, personally, have a fear that I'll be a "soccer Mom" someday. I have some time though to decide if I want to embrace or reject this notion or alter this possible this image.

* You should read Lauren Winner's "Muddhouse Sabbath" if you ever thought the idea of resting on the Sabbath was too idealist, boring, merely about rigorous discipline. Although she's converted to Protestantism, Winner looks back on Shabbat-keeping with longing and true insight.

* I love summer! And this late fall, when I think I'll kill myself living along in dreary city, I'll be moving into a new apartment with a great friend, who will commiserate with me...and a whole lot more.

* Did I mention I love the summer?

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The 4th!

Old-time college friends reunite at Chicago's Caribbean Festival of Life in Bronzeville.

It's been 2.5 years since my friend, Shiko, and I have seen each other. Now back in the same city, we're livin' it up the right way in Chicago.
With what appeared to be representatives from all the African countries (ok, a slight exaggeration. but, we at least had Kenya, Ghana, Rwanda, and South Africa present) we got an escort in the back of a white van (with the windows painted white as well) to the Globe for some soccer. When we pulled up and emptied out, the look on bystanders faces was priceless.

The guys on the other side of the van didn't look like they were in a picture taking mood. Instead, with great savyness, offered to take our pictures.

He Will Always Take Me (You) Back

The reason why I stand
The answer lies in you
You hung to make me strong
Though my praise was few
When I fall I bring your name down
But I have found in you
A heart that bleeds forgiveness
replacing all these thoughts of painful memories
But I know that your response will always be
"I'll take your back always,
Even when your fight is over."
You satisfy this cry
Of what I am looking for
And I'll take all I can
And lay it down before
The throne of endless graces that now radiates what's true
I'm in the only place that
erases all these faults
That have overtaken me
But I know that your response will always be
"I'll take you back...always.
Even when your fight is over."

- Jeremy Camp