Friday, May 2, 2008


I'm beginning to feel like my blog needs to take a particular direction. It all started when someone I know commented about a friend's blog, "Yeah, I'd read it more if it wasn't just an expose on their life and, if they had some significant contribution of thought to add." I'll have you know I don't remember who made this comment or whose blog they were speaking about (that's probably a good thing since that wasn't a very kind comment), nonetheless, it started me thinking about the blogs I follow, why I follow them, and so on. In all honesty, I get bored with the ones that aren't witty, or insightful, or controversial.

I feel like I need a blog related to faith, another one on non-profit development work, another one on Chicago findings, and one on good books. (And I'm probably forgetting a couple topics.) Do I establish separate "corners" to this blog? Or, do I start four more blogs? That's a lot of work. I don't know. :shrugs:

I always have some excuse NOT to blog and frankly, this person's comment has me all self-conscious and apathetic about blogging.

Any thoughts?

1 comment:

Aaron said...

How are you doin? I havent' commented on this blog in quite some time so I thought I would since I peak in on your life occasionally.

Good question about the blog direciton. I am often trying to figure out where to go with mine as well. I like you like the ones about books, controversial topics, and witty/funny ones. So maybe you could have a mixture of all of these on your blog with an occasional update on you.

You got the O'bama 08 promo on your blog! Wow! You are such a liberal :)

O'bama 08