Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Deciding what thing to write in a blog entry is always a bit difficult, awkward endeavor. Personally, I do this weird swing between gloating and/or informing the whole world wide web community about my schedule and habits (as if they/you care) ...and coming across as hyper-spiritual. Neither, of course, is how I'd like to be perceived. Mysterious, on the one hand, is how I'd rather be perceived and humble, in my task to grasps the love and lessons of the Lord, is the other. At the end of a long day, an intellectual, controversial, or a profoundly insightful entry is far from appealing to embark upon.

So, today I swing to left (or is it right?) and am going to add an entry from one of my favorite books, which incidentally I have "finished" but keep picking up and re-reading. It is "Hinds Feet on High Places" and I think I quoted it just like five entries ago. It's that good. :wink:

"I think I have come to understand the lesson which the Lord brought me back to Switzerland [Bronzeville] to learn in a special way. It concerns the great readjustment which I hope and believe is being made in me as he helps me to understand at last the reason why we are born into this fallen world and are entrusted with earthly mortal life. It is that we may learn, in a way which perhaps we could not do in heaven, how to abandon ourselves to loving God, who imagines and creates only the highest possible goodness.

In heaven everyone and everything is lovable, but as the Lord Jesus said, 'If ye love them which love you, what reward have ye?' (Matt. 5:46). In heaven everyone loves everyone else, and in hell no one loves anyone. But on earth we are in the perfect environment for learning how to love as God loves: to abandon ourselves to loving the apparently unlovely people who remind us that in many ways we are still very unlovely ourselves!"

A humble Amen.

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