Monday, October 1, 2007

A Simple Shake Made Way Too Complex

I met a gentleman today - 6' 4", muscular, 30-something, basketball player type. Shook his hand in introduction. He responded, "You trying to break my hand?" I laughed. smiled. explained that I ain't going to give him a "fish" handshake. (noooo way. "fish" handshakes are my pet peeve.) he kept insisting that I try the shake again. I was mildly offended by his question and by his preceding insistence that I redo the introduction. don't know what this says about me. because I'm good at majoring on the minors, I've been processing this short incident all day. I'll admit it was the woman inside of me that was peeved. problem is: my feminist lens needs to be squeegeed these days. maybe you women out there can help me. is my reaction such because he was a man, making the comment feel chauvinistic? because he was older & the comment felt as if it was some kind of parental discipline? or, maybe its embarrassment? maybe I did shake his hand too hard. difficult for me to accept the later to be true. and I predict anyone who knows me and my physical frailty might find such a rational equally as surprising. anyways... thought writing - blogging - about this would help me with the processing, hasn't. :sigh:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am definitely a believer in the firm handshake- it's sincere and intentional and the wimpy one is just annoying. maybe he made a quick judgement and assumed you wouldn't be a firm handshaker, or maybe women in general give him the fish hand, and he just wasn't expecting it. or maybe he should have just stopped talking because his social filter needs to be fixed. you keep doing your own thing, blowing minds with your handshake. ;)