Monday, September 24, 2007

Balanced, For Once

I had one of those weekends...the rare one, where you actually manage to balance social engagement with r & r. Between the ZZzzzzs and the mindless TV watching, the answering of e-mails and getting stuck in Chicago traffic, I managed to get to the Cubs game!!! That's right! I did. Hit a few of the games at the beginning of the season (pun totally intended) and even some in years past. But, I have never seen the Cubs win, so witnessing the 12-7 win on Friday night pushing them, then, to a 2.5 game lead in the division was phenomenal! Now, of course they are in a 3.5 lead and playoffs tickets went on sale yesterday, only to be sold out in 30 minutes. Here we go again folks!

Then, on Sunday, (after visiting Bethel Community Church in Jefferson Park, where I awed by the community's massive amount of warmth, depth, and diversity...but that's for another entry) I decided the place I really wanted to be was outside...with a book...a magnificent view...and friends on hand if I decided I wanted discussion. Matt and Scott's roof deck! Bingo. One little phone call, a short ride, and two books in tow I made it up to their roof for an afternoon in the sun with a couple great authors to keep me company. Oh, and Scott & Matt below if I so pleased. Here is what my Sunday afternoon sight beheld...

A balanced weekend well-done!
(We won't talk about the Bears, we won't!)

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