Thursday, June 21, 2007

Bang, Hmmm, Awww!!!

How many cops does it take to clean up a bike accident in Chicago? The answer: 10! Too many. I knew, at some point, I was going to witness someone get hit walking or on a bike, what with the way people in the city think they are invisible and that cars will stop for them. One teenage boy and his girlfriend, learned that lesson the hard way today on my corner. Everyone was fiiiiiine. Don't worry. I asked one fellow bystander, "was the kid conscious?" He said, "Oh yeah. Look at his bike, man. He milken' it. That's all. Milken' it." :shrug: His bike was still standing up, not a scratch. Now kids, look both ways before crossing the street, even if you are on your bike (especially if you are on your bike!) and even when you have your girlfriend standing on the back. She can't save you against a car flying at 40 miles as hour.

But, the more appauling thing was the police. They were coming out of the woodwork. Actually, no. There are tons of police in my neighborhood. But, there still were far too many. Pretty soon the University of Chicago police were showing up. Come one, now! The university is like 2 miles away. I knnooooww they didn't call you. Keep the coffee break at Dunkin.

...oh, I should mention. Because all things in Chicago are fair, who got slapped with the ticket? That's right. The driver, even though he had a bright green light, he got slapped. Pedestrians always have the right of way.

In other news, my trainer from the "Y" stopped me today on the street as I was taking a walk. (I say "my trainer", but I think I had all of maybe 3, no 2, no 1 session with him this winter.) He asked me if I still worked out there. And when I looked at him blankly and replied, "why? are you still there?" He replied, "No, um, I started my own business" and hands me his card.
Exhibit A:

Last time I lived in the city, I don't remember there being so many cats. They are everywhere! They pop out at you when you are coming home at 2 a.m. You're aleady spooked and then, this thing comes flying out at you hissing. Cats pop out of the dumpster when you open the lid to put your trash in. They whine at your door. Jump from the trees onto your back rail right as you walk by. Can you tell I've never been a cat lover?

Well, one of the local cats has taken up shop outside my door of the last couple days. She, I think, I don't know. She looks like a sick and truly, is dying. There is no question. Trust me. She's got attitude, though. However, sick she may be, she will look straight into my eyes with her dagger green eyes (I've always wanted green eyes, and now maybe it's because she is sick, but I am recanting my previous desire. These eyes are scary.) and hiss louder than I thought possible and then screech this whine that is a far cry (ha!) from the I-want-a-pet cry.

Nonetheless (and now maybe this says more about me than the cat), I am endeared by her. She has character and 'tude that's for sure. And I "feel her". If I was that sick, I would want to be pet, but I would be a b**tch to be around. And because I know that's me, I sometimes wonder if I am supposed to push past the angered facade and like...feed her some warm milk. (That's what you suppose to feed them, isn't it?) The person that would push through my crankiness would win my heart and they would end up being the only one I wasn't bitchy too. Do you think cat pyschology is similar to human pyschology? I've already thought through this too much. Nevermind.

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