Monday, June 18, 2007

Likely The Closest I'll Get

This weekend I went on the Hass Family Vacation (my second family of which I have a few). I'm telling you, few of us having family vacations as crazy and fun-filled as they do...

Quick background: Heather and I went to college together where we became fast friends, not only living together but, throughout the years, traveling together. Inevitably, I met Heather's family and a mutual adoption took place, whereby they treated me like their fourth daughter and I now treat them like sisters, aunt and uncle. So, when the family made their trek to Muskegon to support Linaya, Heather's younger sister by only a couple years, in her run for Ms. Michigan, they remembered to bring a big troupe of supporters. I didn't get left behind...nor would I have let that happen.

In a later e-mail, when I get more pictures, I will spend time describing the crazy affair of beauty pagents and all that I learned and experienced. But, for the meantime, a foreshadowing...

I couldn't have been prouder of Linaya if she had been my "real" sister. This girl (correction: woman) is, if I could crudely say, "the shit"; this gal has so much going for her and she deserved every award that night. Her involvement with the Michigan crown, allowed me the opportunity to get closer than I probably ever will with the red carpet.

Thank you Linaya and the whole Hass family for a great weekend!

The contestants showcase their evening wear.

Hass sisters come out to support their sister. These passes got
us behind the scenes with our celebrity all weekend.

Here she comes...down the red carpet. Her executive director by her side.

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